Clubs & Organizations
If you love art, you will enjoy Art Club. Art Club is open to students in grades 9-12. Our goal at our meetings is to enjoy and create fabulous art. Some of our artwork is sold to pay for Art related field trips. We also like to share our artwork with the community. We hope you will bring your talents and join us.
Sponsor: Haydee Raymond
BETA Club is here to promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, leadership, and community service. BETA Club will do fundraisers and community service, as well as give you the opportunity to put your skills on display. You must maintain a 3.0 GPA to be involved with Beta Club.
Sponsors: Carmon Scholz & Jennifer Johnson
Available to high schoolers, the Chess Club learns the rules and strategies of the game that meets monthly during Club Day as well as once a week after school.
Sponsor: Del Davis
Houston Community Betterment Youth are under the organization of the Community Betterment and Arts Council of Houston. This organization is open to students in grades 9-12. Community Betterment Youth focuses on community service projects or assisting in community service activities. We have also partnered with Bright Futures. In the past, students have participated in the Hospice Chili Cook off, Chamber Banquet, Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast, MCB Conference in Jefferson City, Community Easter Egg Hunt, house numbering project, self-defense for women, undergarment drive, and most recently, we took over the backpack program. We have membership dues which include a t-shirt. This is a fantastic service project organization which grows future leaders.
Sponsor: Crystal Ford
The Constitution Project is an intense, interactive competition in which high school students gain experience in the fields of journalism, crime scene investigation and trial advocacy through mentorship of local professionals in those respective fields. A mock crime scene is investigated, reported and eventually tried in court – all by students - in regional and statewide competition against other Missouri high schools.
Sponsor: Jeff McNiell
Drama Club is an extracurricular activity for students in grades 9-12. The purpose of the Drama Club is to learn about acting, play production, and stage work culminating with several productions. Drama Club consists of two groups of students: the play cast and the stage crew. While enrollment in the High School Drama Class could be helpful, it is not a requirement in order to be eligible to participate in the productions that are presented each year. Listen for announcements and watch your email for information on our fall and spring audition.
Sponsor: Matthew Peterson
D&D is a club in which members play Dungeons and Dragons, a tabletop roleplaying game that encourages creativity through worldbuilding, storytelling, and character development as well as provides a casual and welcoming atmosphere that welcomes any player regardless of skill level.
Sponsor: Erin Johnston
Epsilon Beta is a club for high school and middle school students interested in reading, books and the library. This is a statewide organization that engages in a variety of activities, service projects and a statewide convention. There will be an informational meeting in the next few weeks for those interested in learning more.
Sponsor: Loran Richardson
FBLA (Future Business Leaders Of America) is an organization established to help students gain leadership skills in a fun and exciting environment. Members are involved in competitive events, travel, service projects, and social events. Some FBLA activities include, Chili Cook-Off, Field Trips, as well as District and State contests.
Sponsor: TBA
FCCLA is a family and community service focused organization that promotes student leadership and creativity. Members can participate in competitions, leadership training and explore careers. Active members have the opportunity to participate in meetings around the state and country. Membership dues are $25, which includes affiliation with the local chapter, region, state and national FCCLA, a club shirt, the national magazine, Teen Times, and a membership pin.
Sponsor: Jackie Woolsey
The National FFA Organization is committed to the individual student, providing a path to achievement in premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. Must be enrolled in an Agriculture Education Class to be a member.
Sponsor: Matthew Price
Fellowship of Christian Athletes is the largest Christian sports organization in America. FCA focuses on serving our school and our community by equipping, empowering, and encouraging people to make a difference for Christ. Our relationships demonstrate steadfast commitment to Jesus Christ and His Word through Integrity, Service, Teamwork, and Excellence.
FCA meets at 7:15 a.m. Thursdays in the middle/high school library. Huddles consist of fellowship, devotion, ministry, and often breakfast. During each huddle we combine a passion for sports with a passion for Christ, and teach that those two worlds don’t have to be separate. We have several Christian and service activities planned for the year.
Sponsor: TBA
H Club is an athletic club for student-athletes who have lettered in any varsity sport. H Club strives to promote school pride and support within the athletic department. Another benefit this year is individual patches for post season awards will be purchased for you. H Club will help organize the ESPY Awards and will take various trips throughout the year.
Sponsors: Loran Richardson
HOSA- Future Health Professionals is a student organization for students interested in pursuing careers in the health/medical field. It is available to any student interested in the medical field grades 9-12. We will be fundraising throughout the year to give back to the community, attend conferences and competitions, and to assist students with certification costs. We also volunteer our time and efforts for health and wellness related community needs.
Sponsor: Jennifer Gunter
The National Honor Society (NHS) is a nationwide organization for high school students in the United States and outlying territories, which consists of many chapters in high schools. Selection is based on four criteria: scholarship (academic achievement), leadership, service, and character. Students are selected based on certain criteria.
Sponsor: TBA
Student Council is a representative organization, through which students can become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school administration, staff, and the community for the benefit of the school and its students. It sponsors and raises funds for school-wide activities, including social events, community projects, and school improvements. Some activities sponsored by Student Council are Homecoming, King of the Court, Hoop Queen, Mr. HHS, Battle of the Classes, and the Thanksgiving Food Drive. If you missed being able to run for office this year, you can apply to be on the honors council. You must have a 2.5 GPA for the previous semester and be approved by the Houston High School Student Council.
Sponsors: Hershel Williams III and Stuart Smith
The Scholar Bowl team is a competitive team where groups of students with buzzers compete to answer trivia like questions for points. The team will travel to a number of competitions including districts. Practice will include once weekly meetings after school.
Sponsors: Jason Pounds
For students in Welding, Building Trades or Graphic Arts only. In this club we will compete in the district competitions and hopefully qualify for state and national competitions.
Sponsor: Adam Vandiver, Preston Wade & Jeff McNiell
Speech and debate is a competitive extracurricular activity that helps students become proficient at public speaking and interpretation. Speech focuses on Individual Events, where students learn to interpret various forms of published literary works and give original speeches. Debate is an event in which students form constructive arguments on a given topic. Speech and Debate is recognized as part of the National Speech and Debate Association. Students will have the opportunity to compete at local tournaments in both Individual Events and Debate, MSHSAA and NSDA districts, with an opportunity to advance to the MSHSAA State and NSDA National Competition.
Sponsor: Erin Johnston